Wednesday 25 September 2013

Peek Hill Pony Drift

Our Welfare Team attended the final stage of the Peek Hill pony drift, the ponies had been drifted into a holding, where a public footpath runs, adjacent to a local farm. Most of the ponies were owned by the land owner who was keen for them to be separated calmly and quietly. The land owners are fantastic pony owners who castrate their colts and run them as geldings on the moor along with the mares.

Two trailer loads of ponies were loaded and removed from the area, our Welfare Team witnessed a handler hitting a pony repeatedly on the head with a stick in a effort to get it off the trailer!! This is unacceptable behaviour, sticks should only be used as an arm extension; they must not be used to strike a pony.

Our Welfare Team spoke to the land owners and it was decided we would depart. We will continue to monitor the drifts.

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