Monday 30 September 2013

Merrivale Pony Drift

Our Welfare Staff monitored the annual Merrivale pony drift, Our Welfare Officer watched as the ponies were drifted off the moor and our Welfare Assistant watched as the ponies were sorted and moved.

Our Welfare Officer did speak to a few people in regards to driving their quads to close to young foals, we noticed at least three foals under the age of 4 months.

Our Welfare Assistant watched the ponies being sorted into owners groups and moved on, two groups were drifted back to the owners farms. One group was herded by horseback riders, quads and motor cross bikes. The other group by men on quads, one man fell from his quad trying to stop a mare and foal who had broken away from the group, this same man then threw his stick at the mare and foal!! We assume in an attempt to move them along, this behaviour is totally unacceptable and this man should have known better.

After the second group of ponies were moved on everyone left leaving 32 ponies in the pound with no access to water. Our Welfare Assistant spoke to the landlord of the local pub to see if he knew when the ponies would be picked up, he assured her that it would be later on that evening. She waited to see if this did indeed happen, whilst waiting she checked the ponies over and could see the majority of the belonged to a very responsible owner. Within the hour the owner arrived and their ponies were drifted back onto the moor. The remaining eight were very quietly and calmly loaded onto a lorry and taken away.

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