Saturday 31 March 2012

Pony Unwilling to Get Up

Our welfare assistant recieved a call out in regards to a small Dartmor hill pony who was unable or unwilling to get up. A lady walking her dog had noticed the pony and thought it didn't look right, she tried to get the pony to stand up but to no avail. So she called in SWEP, our welfare assistant went to assess the situation. She also tried to help the pony up but it was totally unwilling, the pony looked very heavily pregnant. The area the pony was in has been experiencing high levels of grass cuttings being dumped and ponies being fed, so colic was a possibility. After half an hour of assessing the ponies condition our welfare assistant decided to call the vet for further advice. Whilst waiting for the vet to arrive the pony did get up assisted and had a nibble on a gorse bush, by the time the vet arrived she was grazing on grass. The vet assessed the mare and came to the conclusion she was probably extremly uncomfortable due to carrying a large foal or she had a spot of colic that had passed. We will monitor this pony and will report when she has given birth to her foal.

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