Monday 26 March 2012

Please Do Not Feed The Ponies!!!

Whilst on her way home our welfare assistant noticed these ponies eating whole carrots that had been dropped down next to a busy car park, this car park is close to a cross roads that can get quite busy (you can see from the photo above how close it is to the car park). Feeding moorland ponies so close to roads and car parks encourages them to these areas and desensitises them to road using vehicles, this then leads to road traffic accidents. Feeding them also makes them aggressive towards each other and the bearer of the food, this often results in members of the public being kicked or bitten by ponies. It can also lead to ponies choking or colicing, both can lead to distress and even death. All these ponies belong to someone and when they get hit by vehicles or become sick because people have fed them it costs the owners money. We have already seen a number of RTC's this year, many are due to the ponies being fed close to roads and car parks.

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