Tuesday 15 October 2013

Pony Killed in RTA on Roborough Down

This dead yearling pony was reported to our Welfare Officer at 9am on Tuesday 15th October, she went straight out to check it was indeed dead and not suffering. On arrival it was apparent the pony was dead, however it was still very fresh. This foal had obviously been hit at great speed, it had bitten it's tongue clean off, it's neck was broken, it had severe lacerations on one of it's hind legs and it had bled heavily.
Our welfare officer reported the body to DLP who assured her the body would be removed asap, however she returned at 3pm and 5pm and the body was still there. The Welfare Team returned at 10am the following morning and the body was still at the side of the road, a man in a passing vehicle stopped to talk to them as he found it quite distressing the body was still there and had not been removed. The area is always busy with walkers and cyclists, some with children, so we feel it should have been removed sooner; plus it is a legal requirement for dead stock to be removed within a reasonable time.
A member of the Welfare Team called DLP to again ask for the foal to be removed, a message was left. The Welfare Team returned at 3pm that day and were glad to see the body has been removed.

The area where the foal was killed is not known for people driving to fast and it is very rare a pony is hit and killed there, however this incident proves that more care is needed on Dartmoor's roads. This foal would have suffered terribly and his mother was still hanging around the day after. Anyone who hits and kills any livestock on the moor, and this includes ponies, should report the incident to the police. If anyone has any information as to who is responsible for this pony's death please call us on 01822 854823/ 07990823864/ 07717311251 or the police on 101.


  1. ooh poor pony - but perhaps it may help that it was there longer - this may make people think about how fast they are driving across the moor :(

  2. That is so sad to see the photos of the poor pony and to hear it took them long enough to remove the pony is terrible to think that pony lay there on the side of the road dead for all that time is beyond words. Whoever is responsible needs to own up next time they drive at a speed like that they could kill a person or young child. Think before you speed simple!!
