Monday 13 May 2013

Underweight Pony Near Princetown

We were alerted to an underweight pony near Princetown, the caller was worried as she had been on her own for a few days. Our welfare assistant attended and and quickly found the pony who was a fair distance from a herd of ponies nearer the mast. The pony was underweight and her backbone and hips were prominent, the mare was grazing happily and moving around with ease. She was also inquisitive when our member of welfare staff approached her for a closer look.

We contacted the owner who assured us they would go out and check on the mare, we have a number of people in the area who will keep an eye on this pony.

* Two weeks later and two more phone calls this pony was still on the moor and looking much worse. We had no alternative but to report it to an Animal health vet who has now contacted this poor ponies owner. However no one has seen this poor pony for a few days, we are hoping she has joined a herd. But we know the outcome may not be so happy.

 2 weeks later

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