Saturday 30 March 2013

Pony With Leg Stuck In Trees

On our way back picking up some milk our welfare assistant, along with three staff members, received a call from a horse rider saying her and her companions had come across a pony with its leg wedged between two trees, it had fallen over and the leg looked broken or close to breaking. We were on the scene in seconds!!

The pony's leg was wedged tight between these two trees

After release

It was obvious this was an emergency situation and thanks to the quick thinking of these riders and then the quick, calm and professional actions of the attending staff the pony was soon released and luckily intact. The leg was indeed stuck fast and the pony was extremely distressed, we honestly thought she would break her leg, however she didn't and although a little lame she eventually walked away as if nothing had happened!!

The pony's owner was informed and was soon on the scene to assess the pony, it was agreed she would be happier left with her herd and her owner would check on her later in the day and again over the following days to ensure no serious damage was inflicted.

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