Thursday 21 February 2013

Pony Killed in RTC on B3417

We received a call from a lady who had been travelling on the bus from Cornwood to Plymouth to raise her concerns about a pony she had seen lying close to the road side coming up to Lee Moor. She said it looked like it had been hit by a vehicle and was possibly dead. Our welfare assistant went out to assess the situation, however on arrival there was no sign of any pony lying close to the road. The surrounding area was investigated to see if any of the ponies present were injured, all ponies seen looked well and uninjured.

Our welfare assistant decided to call a farmer she knew kept ponies on that stretch of moor and he confirmed that the pony was his and it had been reported to him. Between the call from the lady on the bus and our welfare officer arriving he had removed the pony from the road.

The pony was a mare, so very likely to be in foal, and her owner said she had been hit at such force she would have been killed out right.

The speed limit on this stretch of road is 40mph and there are plenty of signs to remind drivers, however many people still insist on exceeding this limit and accidents involving ponies and other livestock are inevitable.

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