Thursday 31 January 2013

Mare & Foal in Very Poor Condition Near Sharp Tor, Cornwall

Our welfare officer was called by an extremely concerned member of the public who informed her of a mare and foal in very poor condition near Sharp Tor in Cornwall. The pair had been in the same spot for a few days and the mare looked very weak.

On arrival it became apparent the mare was in a bad way and needed help, she was lying down and struggled to get up. Both were offered water and both were very thirsty, the mare was so weak she allowed our welfare officer to check her over. Her gums were very pale and she was very thin, the foal also looked underweight with a very wormy belly.

The commoners were called and a representative attended to try and identify the pair, the mare was scanned to see if she had a chip. She didn't, she had no identifiable markings at all. The pair needed to be taken to a safe haven under the animal welfare act so the police were informed and a log number given. Our staff at the sanctuary had been informed of the situation and bought the horsebox to the site. By then the mare had a head collar on and was lead to the road, both ponies were loaded onto the box, by this time it was dark.

They were met at the yard by the vet who examined both, the mares temperature was 104.7 which was very high. It was obvious she was extremely poorly so was given an antibiotic injection, the foal had a normal temperature but it was obvious he was riddled with worms. Because of there very poor condition we were advised not to worm them as they were far to weak to cope with it.

They were left for the night in a warm stable with water and hay and on Friday the mares temperature was taken and it had decreased. We were hopeful both would recover, however when staff arrived on Saturday morning the mare was found dead in her stable. There was no sign of struggling, it looked like she had just given up.

The foal was obviously traumatised so he was swiftly moved to a separate stable to settle down, after a few more days he was moved in with another of our quiet mares who will keep him company. We will continue to care for him at our rehabilitation yard. He is a sweet natured boy who has had a tough start to life, we will ensure he lives the rest of his life well cared for and safe from further harm.

We asked our facebook followers to help us name the foal and we had a fantastic response, the chosen name is Jethro and it suits him. He is feeling much better and has put some weight on, he has much more energy and spents much of his time exploring and playing with his friends.

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