Wednesday 19 June 2013

Thin Pony Near Goodameavy

We received a call in regards to a very thin pony near Goodameavy, a member of our welfare team went out to assess the pony. This pony is a little underweight, however not thin enough to warrant removal. Our welfare team will monitor her as we are hoping she will gain weight now the spring/ summer growth is now in full swing.

Whilst looking for the thin mare we came across this young foal who was lame in his hind leg, he was keeping up with mum and suckling so our welfare officer decided it would be best to come back the following week and see if it had improved.

UPDATE:  Our welfare assistant went out to re assess the lame foal and it was no longer lame.

Monday 17 June 2013

Foal Attacked by Golden Retriever Near Yelverton

We received a call from a worried lady who was on a bus journey and witnessed a dog attacking a foal. The foal was lying down, resting, when the dog attacked it biting it's withers. The dogs owner kicked it off of the foal and carried on their way and the foal ran off

The lady didn't know how badly injured, if at all the foal was so called us to see if we could take a look. Our welfare assistant went out to see if she could find the foal or see the dog and it's owner. On arrival there were many foals fitting the description given so our welfare assistant checked them all. None of the foals checked were obviously injured and none looked distressed.

The incident was reported to the Dartmoor Livestock Protection Officer who is aware of this dog and is seeking the owner.

Monday 10 June 2013

Lame Pony Near Cherrybrook Bridge

We were called out to a location between Cherrybrook Bridge and Dunnabridge to look for a dun pony who was very lame on her hind near side leg. Our welfare assistant went out and found the mare and her foal in the mire, she was with the skewbald mare with the over grown feet we were called out to the previous week.

The dun mare was reluctant to walk on that leg but when she did her hock was jerking and clicking. Our welfare assistant called the ponies owner, who was identified by her brand. The ponies owner said she knew which pony it was and that it had been seen to by a vet who had reported the pony had a problem in the toe. The ponies owner informed us the vet was happy for the pony to stay on the moor.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Pony Roaming Fernworthy Forest

We were informed of a coloured colt who had been roaming the forest for some time now. We were told the commoners have been informed, however no one seemed interested. The pony seems happy and healthy, however with no one taking responsibility for him our main concern is if he gets sick or is injured.

We contacted South West Lakes, who manage the reservoir and forest, and advised them to put some abandonment notices up and inform the police. Once the time limit has elapsed SW Lakes can then decide what to do with this pony.

If you know who this pony belongs to please contact SW Lakes on 01566 771930

Dead Pony Near South Hessary Tor

We were alerted to a dead pony near South Heassary Tor, we were informed the body had been there for well over two weeks. We were then told it had been reported to the owners by two different people yet it still had not been removed. We also reported the pony to it's owner who said they would remove it.

EU control regulations (Article 21) require fallen stock, ponies included, are to be removed without "undue delay". Government expect farmers to make every effort to remove fallen stock in order to comply with these regulations. This is to prevent the spread of disease thus protecting other livestock in the area.

This ponies body lays close to other peoples land where horses are kept, thus potentially putting those animals at risk. After a further four days the body was still there, we have informed DEFRA and they have now contacted the ponies owner insisting they remove it as soon as possible. They will keep us updated.

**** We have been informed that this pony has now been removed ****