Wednesday 19 December 2012

Pony Killed on B3212

Today we received yet another call to tell us a pony had been killed on the B3212, the road that runs from Yelverton to Princetown. Yet again we call on motorists to SLOW DOWN and stick to the 40mph speed limit. This speed limit has been set in place for a good reason. Livestock hit by cars and other vehicles suffer dreadfully, usually from internal injuries. Their death is very often prolonged especially if the incident has not been reported.

Monday 17 December 2012

Pony With Eye Injury

We were called by a dog walker who was concerned about a pony near long Ash with a pussy eye. Our welfare officer attended and inspected the pony and it's eye. The pony was lying down and quite tame so she was able to get a proper look at the affected eye. The eye socket was oozing pus and it looked like the eye had been punctured, probably by a stick or twig. The ponies owner was informed and came out immediately, they agreed that the pony should be removed from the down and treated as soon as possible.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Be Aware of Ponies on the Roads!!!

We are calling on all motorists who use the roads across Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor to be extra vigilant and be aware that there may be ponies on the roads. During the winter months the ponies are tempted onto the roads as they hold some heat and if they have been gritted the ponies will lick the salt from the road surface. With nutrient output from vegetation on the moor being low they will seek essential minerals from other sources, the salt on roads being one of those sources. With the nights drawing in earlier the ponies, especially darker coloured individuals, will be harder to spot. Even more so if it is raining or foggy.

Please drive carefully and responsibly, for your safety and theirs.